Monday 30 July 2012

my phone handsomely, extremely, kacakly was broke! huarghh!!!!

" Hye olsss!!"
sorry i'm kinda lazy to update my blog and..
you know.. this bulan puasa.. dengan panasnya , keringnya. and I! become sooooo lazzy u know. 

so, wants OLIGO while reading this entry?? huh! i'm addicted with it OLIGO!

well, lupakan OLIGO.. oh? tak kenal ape itu Oligo kaa? haiyaaaaa.. u olss.. jap aku nak uplod gambo Oligo Coco.

haaa.. nie la Oligo Coco.. so, hangpa pie cepat- cepat beli ini air.. soooo Yummeh! and Creammy yeah!! huahahauaha..
tak rugi.. 
harga dia okey jer la.. standard harga biase je la. so, tak jadik masalah tuk korang pegi beli 
air nie.. 

well, actually back to the main point okayh? hari nie i got work to settle. which is i have to settle down all my Chemistry report and have to submit it as soon as i  can. not me only okayh! my friends also ! ahahaha.. so, i yang memang dah pemalas one nie. copy la . i copy punyer copy and dengan jayanya my works done! yeah!!! so please credit  to me and friends! hehe.. meniru je pom! by the way, tika nak kemas-kemas barang-barang i kan .. oh, before we go further, i bawak bag sandang je hari nie. alah.. beg macam mak cik goyah-goyah tuh.. bag macam paper bag whic is no butang or zip on the upper bag. so, back to the main point. i kemas-kemas la barang i and.. GEDEGANG!! ya allah my pinky lovey phone da jatuh. yang sadisnya guys screen dia tuh jatuh gedebuk atas simen tau. aku da berdebar gila babi ahh! angkat-angkat and as expected! it was cracked! totally! tp xde la teruk sangt. luckily, i da tinted that screen before so, retak dia tu kira tercover la sket daripada pecah terburai. because it still sticked to one another.
so, aku memang pening-pening kepala la! mula la berangan nak beli phone u ols.. phone ape?? haaaa nie phone yang aku duk stalked dari tadi. balik rumah terus online update satatus FB then google 'bout this phone. hebat tak doe?

tadaaaaa!!! GALAXY NOTE YOU OLSS!!

Jangan u olss salah faham yang i nie gila bapak kaye. NO! ini ape yang menjadi mimpi indah aku selama nie. yes! i want this galaxy note eagerly but! aku tahu realitinya memang takk la u! mana nak korek duit! haiiyaaa...... kalau lah duit tuh macam daun pokok mangga depan rumah sewa aku nie.. aisehh man. gigit jari la u! hahahhaa =)


and this is okaylah.. which i think i want this phone untuk di tukar gantikan dengan i punyer sebabb ape? okay, kenapa i pilih sony ericson not SAMSUNG which i think da jadi wave and trend sekarang nie?? mesti u olss tertanya-tanya kan?? so.. this is my reasons why :-

  1.  okay, memang tak di nafikan lah kan yang samsung got multi function in it but! for those who love taking pictures as me, my self not so interested by it because, macam galaxy note. 8.0 mpxl je pom.. harga beribu kot. if sony. i think the higher pixels that they provide is 12mpxl.
  2. and for this experia which harga runcit dia sekarang RM790.00 including 8.00mpixels. kalau nat di compared kan dengan Samsung. tak include yang Y,X,S I,SII,ace and many-many more.
  3. even samsung might have various function in it, but this cellphone also have android function. uplod kat market. hurmm... result dia tetap sama jugak kan? 
so.. itu hanya my opinion. bukan nak condem which phone is more better.  untuk orang yang macam aku yang kekurangan bajet, u all harus mengambil kira lah sal luar dan dalam dia. and of course the best will come out with the higher price is it? so, LU pikir la sendiri. =)))


p/s: doakan aku cukup bajet untuk awal tahun hadapan. i bet the price might become more lower right?

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